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About 1.01
Getting Started
Reporting Bugs

About 1.01

For imperscrutable reasons it seems nobody had sofar tested jrgp 1.0b with Jython 2.1 final (or a3, us included) to discover that it does not work. At least nobody had reported the problem. Now 1.01 fixes this problem and should work both with Jython 2.0 and 2.1.


jrgp is a set of free software Genetic Programming tools written in Java and jython. Working with jrgp requires writing java code (to define and run problems), on the other hand some tools are included that offers shortcuts and defaults to that (customizing them through direct coding should also be possible).

jrgp consists of three parts:



Assuming that java and jython are already present:

(Note: in order to uninstall jrgp simply remove the installation dir)

Getting Started

The installation process should have created a script to launch 'gool' in the main jrgp dir. Assuming that this is on the PATH you can start gool with: gool or: gool project-dir

For example (assuming that jrgp main dir is your current working dir) the examples can be loaded with:

See the tutorial for further info on them.

Note: fsd in the main jrgp dir - if correctly created - is the standalone launch script for 'fs-d'.

Note: if necessary you can run both 'gool' and 'fs-d' directly with jython: (assuming that jrgp main dir is your current working dir)

do the job.

Note: in order to use gap runtime from your java or jython programs the jars in the 'lib' subdir should be added to the CLASSPATH.


jrgp (html) documentation is available online and is also installed locally under the 'doc' subdir of the main jrgp directory, there you can read:


The 'jrgp' package comes with two examples (as gool projects):

The tutorial describe how to play with both of them. Their java sources should help as reference on how to code problems.


jrgp Copyright (c) 2001 :: Pietro Berkes, Samuele Pedroni

The 'jrgp' package is distributed under the GNU General Public Licence.

A copy of it can be found in the COPYING file.

Reporting Bugs

You can submit bug reports through the sourceforge jrgp page (http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/jrgp) using the bug tracker.

For problems with fs-d and the classes it produces a log file obtained with the --log-file option can help tracking them.

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